What Great HR Leaders Do Differently? 

HR leaders play a crucial role in shaping the culture and success of an organisation. They are responsible for overseeing the hiring, training, and development of employees, as well as managing conflicts and addressing sensitive issues. Great HR leaders do certain things differently, and these differences contribute to their success. In this blog post, we’ll explore what sets great HR leaders apart and how they drive success in their organisations. 

What Great HR Leaders Do

Emphasis on Employee Engagement and Development 


Great HR leaders understand that employee engagement and development are key drivers of success in an organisation. They prioritise these areas and take steps to ensure that employees feel valued and supported in their roles. One way that they achieve this is through regular check-ins with employees. These check-ins provide an opportunity for HR leaders to get a sense of how employees are doing, both personally and professionally – To address any concerns or issues that employees may have. 

Another way that HR leaders promote engagement and development is by providing employees with opportunities for career development. This can include things like training programs, mentoring, and stretch assignments. By investing in the development of their employees, HR leaders are able to build a more skilled and motivated workforce, which ultimately leads to better performance and higher retention rates. 

Finally, great HR leaders understand the importance of employee recognition and take steps to acknowledge and reward employees for their contributions. This can include things like bonuses, promotions, flexible benefits and recognition. By recognising and rewarding employees, great HR leaders help to create a positive work culture and foster a sense of loyalty from employees that can impact issues such as high attrition or employer branding. 

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What do great HR manager do

Strong Communication Skills 


Communication is key in any role, but it is especially important for HR leaders. HR leaders are able to communicate effectively with employees at all levels of the organisation and are able to build trust and credibility with all departments. They understand the importance of active listening and are able to understand and respond to the needs and concerns of team members. 

Human resource leaders excel in transparent and clear communication. They understand the importance of providing employees with accurate and timely information and are able to communicate effectively in person, in writing, and through digital communication tools. Clear communication helps to build trust, credibility, and loyalty.

HR meeting with candidates for job interview

Ability to Handle Difficult Situations 


HR leaders are often faced with difficult situations, such as managing conflicts, dealing with difficult employees, and addressing sensitive issues. Excellent human resource leaders are able to navigate these challenges effectively and with tact. They are able to remain calm under pressure and are able to find solutions that are fair and effective for all parties involved. 

Great HR leaders also understand the importance of confidentiality and are able to handle sensitive information with discretion. They understand the legal and ethical implications of their actions and are able to make decisions that are in the best interest of the organisation and its employees. 

HR meeting with candidates

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Strong Leadership Skills 


Excellent HR professionals serve as leaders within the organisation. They think strategically and make decisions that drive the success of the organisation. In addition, They use their knowledge of the business and its employees to develop effective plans and strategies that support the overall goals or outcomes required.

Great HR professionals demonstrate leadership through their ability to make decisions. They assess different options and make decisions in the best interest of the organisation and its employees. They create a positive culture by leading by example and by setting a tone of respect, fairness, and transparency. 

HR managers standing together



In conclusion, it’s important to note that being a great HR leader is not easy. It takes time, effort, and continuous learning to develop the skills and qualities that set them apart.  In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a great HR leader on board can make a significant difference to the culture which in turn creates success. 

How HR Directors Save Time and Money by Effectively Screening Applicants

Applicant screening is an important step in the recruitment process. It can help to save time and money by ensuring that the right candidate is hired. We believe it is important to use a comprehensive screening process that includes background checks, reference checks, and interviews. However, it is also important to use an applicant screening service that has the latest technology. This ensures that the features you are getting the most up-to-date information. To find out more information, click here. 

Here at Mercury Hampton, we want to make your lives easier! We want HR directors to spend less time on recruitment and more time doing what they do best… Making sure your company stays competitive and productive. Contact us today for more information about our applicant screening services and how we can help you save time and money.

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