Job Survey
Creating a formula for Success
Unlike other recruitment companies, we test our clients first for the behaviours and values they want for a particular job discipline. We call this the job survey this creates the perfect behavioural blueprint and ensures all the hiring team are aligned at the front end.
The job survey is clever. It’s a series of multiple-choice questions which creates the formula for success and ensures longevity in the position.
This is an online survey that is completed by hiring managers. It asks; ‘what personality traits should prospective candidates display, in order to be considered a success in your specific vacancy’.
The report combines the responses of all hiring managers taking part, to form one ‘group opinion,’ this composite result is then used to benchmark candidates.

The Comparison Report shows each individual hiring manager’s response to the Job Survey above, so you can see where the main consensus, or differences of opinion lie.
The graphical content makes is quick and easy to compare these opinions and to identify any outliers requiring further investigation.