Leadership Transformation Programme

Unlock the full potential of your leaders and drive your organisation towards its strategic goals with our tailored Leadership Transformation Program.

Leadership is the backbone of any organisation, and it’s essential to ensure that your leaders are performing to their full potential. Our Leadership Transformation Program is designed to do just that, by identifying and addressing the unique challenges and issues that may be preventing your leaders from working effectively. With our program, your leaders will gain the skills and tools needed to improve their performance and productivity, ultimately driving your business towards achieving its strategic goals.


Our Leadership Transformation Program is a comprehensive training program tailored to improve the performance and productivity of leaders within your organisation. Aligned with your business strategy, the program provides opportunities for leaders to develop key skills in effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, essential for achieving business objectives. Additionally, our program fosters collaboration by allowing leaders to provide feedback and share their perspectives on leadership dynamics and performance.


Our Leadership Transformation Program is a targeted solution for executives, managers, team leaders, and human resource professionals who want to improve their leadership performance and productivity. By providing training and opportunities for skill development in effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, our program helps leaders align with business strategy and strategic goals. At the end of the program, participants receive a detailed report that outlines potential solutions for addressing performance, productivity, and behavioural gaps. Contact us today to invest in your leadership team and drive your organisation’s success. Have a team that needs reviewing? Why not have a look at our Performance Impact Program.

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Our Leadership Transformation Program is a multi-step process that focuses on enhancing the performance and productivity of your organisation’s leaders.


We will work with your leaders to identify the unique challenges and issues that may be preventing them from working effectively. This may involve reviewing performance data, conducting surveys, and holding one-on-one interviews with your leaders.

Based on the information gathered during the identification stage, we will develop targeted training programs that address the specific areas of improvement for your leaders. These programs may include workshops, coaching sessions, and online training courses.

We will work with your leaders to set goals for improving leadership dynamics, communication, and collaboration. These goals will be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

To measure the effectiveness of our efforts in enhancing the performance and productivity of your leaders, we will conduct regular check-ins, review performance data and possibly conduct follow-up surveys over time.


After collecting information during the identification stage, we will develop a customised action plan that tackles the specific challenges or issues identified by the program. The plan will be tailored to your leaders’ unique requirements and will comprise specific steps to enhance their performance and productivity.

Our executive coaching service offers feedback and support to your leaders to help them achieve their goals. We work with them to set goals, create action plans, and provide accountability, as well as feedback to help them succeed. Our coaches also help identify and overcome any barriers that may be hindering their performance and effectiveness within the organisation.


Transform your leaders, transform your organisation. Our Leadership Transformation Program provides a tailored approach to unlocking the full potential of your leaders, improving their performance and productivity to achieve your strategic goals.

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Ryan Pritchard is an experienced performance coach who has worked with some of the biggest companies in the world, including Coca Cola, Monster Energy, Barclays, and Absolute Vodka. With his expertise in team dynamics and performance, Ryan helps teams identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to address any challenges or issues that may be hindering their performance.

"Culture and performance are not only about achieving results, but also about enhancing the wellbeing and work ethic of individuals. A strong culture can motivate team members to work harder, be more productive, and feel better about their work." - Unknown

The majority of Ryan’s work has been centred on working with leadership teams to ensure effective and consistent leadership from a team, that is integrated to improve corporate performance.

This work has been undertaken both in the capacity, as an executive coach and as a team facilitator.

His focus in this role is to assist with the development of building a high performance leadership team culture, essential in helping board level and senior teams to achieve the unity, cohesion and direction they need to lead themselves and the organisation to greater achievement.

He has worked with some of the world’s most successful global companies in this role and with many different teams all at differing stages of their life cycle, including established teams dealing with a changing environment, newly formed teams and teams performing below their potential.

I have a large number of direct reports and I was struggling with what I perceived as lack of time to deal with both people and the daily challenges of the business. I worked with Ryan over a number of sessions and very quickly through coaching, discussion and specific working examples I realised it was not a time issue, it was how I was leading, managing and facing issues with my team. Through a few sessions I found myself managing people differently, by being more direct, by introducing the excellent 100 day plan; by letting the team know very clearly what was important to me and the business. I found myself very at ease with Ryan, very easy to talk to, very understanding but also extremely challenging when he needed to be Excellent listener, coaching skills and uses his own experience to guide one through difficult situations. I would recommend,

Jonathan Walker

Since implementing the Leadership Transformation Program, our leaders have improved their communication skills and developed better relationships with their team. We've seen a significant increase in productivity and overall performance.

John Smith CEO

Since implementing the Leadership Transformation Program, our leaders have improved their communication skills and developed better relationships with their team. We've seen a significant increase in productivity and overall performance.

John Smith CEO

Our comprehensive Performance Impact Programme aims to improve the performance and productivity of teams. Some of the key takeaways from the programme include:

  • Identifies and leverages team strengths and weaknesses to improve performance
  • Teaches effective communication and conflict resolution.
  • Improves problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  • Promotes teamwork and relationship-building.
  • Encourages accountability.
  • Enhances team productivity.
  • Provides a toolkit of techniques and processes to improve team effectiveness, such as team charters, team roles, team norms and team decision making processes.


The Performance Impact Programme also provides training for remote teams, which can be tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities for improvement that come with working remotely. This includes identifying team dynamics and performance, and developing targeted training plans to improve productivity and performance.

Our programme also provides a report as a potential road map to address performance, productivity, and behavioural gaps at the end of the program.


The Performance Impact Program is designed to help teams improve their performance and productivity. The program includes the following key elements:

  • Identification and addressing of individual and team blocks that are hindering performance
  • Making a plan to address unique challenges
  • Training in effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making
  • Alignment with business strategy
  • Encouraging feedback and collaboration
  • The program aims to drive the business towards achieving its strategic goals by improving the overall performance and productivity of the team.
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To improve team effectiveness, our program utilises both a team effectiveness report and a word survey for each team member.

The team effectiveness report provides a comprehensive view of the team’s strengths and weaknesses, both in terms of team dynamics and performance as well as the team’s cultural fit within the organisation. This information can be used to develop a targeted training program that addresses specific areas of improvement, set goals for the team, track progress over time, and create an action plan that addresses the specific issues or challenges identified by the surveys.

The word survey for each team member can identify areas of individual development needs, allowing for a tailored development plan to be created and incorporated into the overall development plan for the team. By combining the results of both surveys, a more comprehensive view of the team’s strengths and weaknesses can be formed, which can be used to create a more effective and targeted development plan for the team, ultimately leading to better results and outcomes.

The first day of the Performance Impact Programme Day is spent reviewing and discussing the results from the Team effectiveness survey and the Word survey. This will provide the team and participants with critical information to be able to:

  • Help the team members understand each other
  • Enable teams to overcome conflict
  • Understand the team’s strengths
  • Identify gaps or weaknesses for each individual

We then review the results from the cultural survey with the purpose of identifying specific areas for development for the team culturally.

This stage is about expanding the participants understanding of personal leadership through understanding key leadership and conflict principles and frameworks for the purpose of levelling up the leadership capabilities of each individual.

This is where the rubber meets the road. We review the outputs generated from steps 1 to 3 in order to facilitate the co-creation of a development plan, to support the team and its members development moving forward.

Our programme helps team members understand how to work together more effectively to achieve better results and increased productivity.

Our programme provides a set of techniques and processes to improve team effectiveness, such as team charters, team roles, team norms, and team decision-making processes.

Maximise Your Leaders’ Potential Today! Reach out to us now to discover more about our customised Leadership Transformation Program.

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