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Man waiting for his interview with a new company
  • 27 January 2023

Recruitment and Selection Strategies for the Modern Workforce

The modern workforce is a constantly evolving entity, with new technologies and societal changes...

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Header image for succession planning - hire Mercury Hampton as your successor
  • 13 January 2023

Why Succession Planning Is Important for Your Business

When you own a business, it's inevitable to put thought into the timeline and...

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As HR Directors, we have a lot of responsibilities and are tasked with managing the employee life cycle. A critical role that HR Directors play is screening applicants. An effective screening process can save time and money for the company while also ensuring that only the most qualified candidates are hired. Make sure you put the right measures in place to make your applicant screening process as efficient and successful as possible!
  • 9 January 2023

How HR Directors Save Time and Money by Effectively Screening Applicants

It’s no secret that recruiting is a time-consuming process. From sifting through resumes and...

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Leadership - leading people to success
  • 15 November 2022

Leading People: The Key to Success in Business

Being a leader is a challenging and rewarding role. It can also be extremely...

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happy employees and retained employees
  • 10 November 2022

Tips on Recruitment Strategies and How to Retain Employees

You will hear so many horror stories when it comes to retaining employees. And...

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Boost business performance with workplace culture
  • 24 October 2022

Boost Business Performance with Workplace Culture

Take the initiative, own your organisations distinct values. Shape its culture. Set the tone. Because...

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