sales training

For 98% of Businesses, There Are No Dedicated Programmes for Sales Training and Support for their Staff

Want to see what you can achieve when you’re a part of the remaining 2%?

Are You a Business Owner or Manager Who…
  • Wants to develop practical and strategic sales skills for yourself or your team?
  • Feels stuck and struggles to scale?
  • Lacks clear sales systems and processes?


Then let the Mercury Hampton sales training service propel you from the 98% into the 2%.

Converting Prospect Clients is More Challenging than Ever

With time constraints, evolving technology, and fierce online competition, standing out is difficult.

How would you feel if we could offer proven strategies to help you win more sales?

Whether you’re a micro-SME, a multinational, or somewhere in between, sales growth is likely central to your strategy.

Investing in your people, training, and development programmes could be transformational by increasing salespeople’s:


  • Skills
  • Customer Understanding
  • Process Clarity
  • Adaptability to market changes and challenges
  • Confidence
  • Motivation
  • Camaraderie with other team members


Which, in turn, increases the likelihood of business performance and success.

what to expect
  • A totally bespoke, customised training plan aligned with your organisation’s commercial and strategic objectives.
  • Development of consultative, authentic, and ethical salespeople and/or customer-facing colleagues.
  • Skills Gap Analysis of each participant.
  • A hybrid working pattern combining online self-study, face-to-face training sessions, and real-world workshops and simulations.
  • A collaborative, adaptive approach.
  • Tangible ROI.
  • Feedback, support, and future planning.
want to know more or arrange an initial consultation
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