Aptitude Testing

Essential Candidate Testing for Your STEM Organisation

Designed to evaluate candidates' mechanical reasoning abilities and cognitive agility, essential for roles in engineering, manufacturing, and technical fields.

Do You Struggle To...
  • Identify candidates who can effectively apply mechanical engineering principles, leading to costly hiring mistakes?
  • Evaluate a candidate's cognitive speed and adaptability, resulting in underperformance in dynamic roles?
  • Gather relevant candidate data which would enable you to make objective hiring decisions that align with your organisational needs?


Our targeted assessments provide the clarity and confidence you need to select the best candidates for your team.

Mechanical Aptitude Testing

Utilise our Mechanical Aptitude Testing to gain a clear understanding of a candidate's ability to reason with and apply mechanical engineering knowledge.

This assessment comprises 24 questions that must be answered in 17 minutes, covering the basic principles of mechanical engineering. Clients can even request to benchmark these tests against their own team’s performance, ensuring a tailored fit for your specific needs.

Mental Agility Testing

Our Mental Agility Test measures an individual’s speed of thought, general mental agility, and several key components of intelligence against job requirements.

This critical assessment evaluates vocabulary, verbal reasoning skills, and the ability to perform simple mathematical functions. It provides insights into a candidate’s ability to quickly absorb new information, systems, and processes, ensuring they are well-suited for the role.

The First Step…

These assessments provide critical insights into a candidate's technical aptitude and cognitive abilities, laying the groundwork for effective hiring strategies.

For an even more comprehensive evaluation of potential hires or current team members, consider combining these tests with our Job Alignment Survey or Team Effectiveness Reporting. More information about these services here

Why Choose Mercury Hampton?

We are committed to enhancing your team’s performance through rigorous assessments and data-driven insights. Our expertise ensures that you make strategic hiring decisions that contribute to long-term organisational success.

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