Pre-Hire Services

Make Informed, Data-Driven Hiring Decisions

Our scientifically validated assessments and analyses help organisations to build effective and talented teams.

Our Pre-Hire services enable organisations to make data-driven hiring decisions through a comprehensive suite of scientifically validated assessments and analyses. We provide cultural surveys, psychometric assessments, job alignment tools, and team effectiveness reports to deliver valuable insights into candidates and team dynamics.

  • Cut Hiring Costs
    Select candidates who fit both skill requirements and company culture.
  • Optimise Team Dynamics
    Integrate new hires seamlessly to boost collaboration and output.
  • Inform Decisions
    Utilise data-driven insights for unbiased, confident hiring choices.
  • Develop Leaders
    Unlock leadership potential through comprehensive 360° assessments.
  • Elevate Satisfaction
    Match roles to individual strengths, enhancing engagement and retention.
  • Tackle Talent Shortages
    Identify and secure top STEM talent tailored to your organisation's needs.

Evaluate your organisational culture to ensure new hires align with your values and behaviours.

Utilise McQuaig's psychometric tools to gain objective insights into candidates' personality traits, cognitive abilities, and cultural fit, enhancing retention and performance.

Assess individual capabilities against job requirements, ensuring each team member is positioned in a role that suits their strengths, thereby boosting productivity and job satisfaction.

Conduct a thorough evaluation of leadership effectiveness by gathering feedback from peers, managers, and direct reports, providing actionable insights for development.

Analyse team dynamics and individual contributions to identify strengths and gaps, enabling the creation of balanced, high-performing teams.

Evaluate candidates' mechanical reasoning abilities and cognitive agility, essential for technical roles.

Measure candidates' speed of thought and cognitive capabilities, ensuring they can quickly adapt to new information and processes.

Determine the true cost of employee turnover to inform retention strategies.

Ensure compliance with UK tax regulations for contractor engagements.

Identify and develop future leaders within your organisation.

Access current market data to maintain competitive compensation packages.


Empower your hiring strategy with Mercury Hampton's pre-hire solutions. Transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

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