The Training Development of People in The Workplace: How to Successfully Manage a Trainee

Today is the age of technology and innovation. Companies need to keep up-to-date with the changing employment landscape if they want to stay relevant in this market. Despite the advancement of technology, it has caused a strain on both job seekers and employers. Training employees has become a major part of every company’s HR strategy today. There are several reasons for which many organizations prefer to invest in training their employees than hiring new ones. It is a cheaper option; you can train your employees based on their skill set as well as identify their areas of improvement sooner than later. Therefore, there are some ways in which you can manage your trainee effectively so that they have a better performance when they return to work.

Training Development

Hiring the Right Trainee for the Job 


The first step in hiring a trainee for your business is to accurately determine their skill set. Basically, you need to make sure that the person you are hiring for the job fits the necessary job criteria. But, hiring a trainee is an investment in future company potential and leadership. And to do that, you need to look out for a few things while hiring a trainee.  

  • Are they adaptable? Trainees are hired for the reason that they need to learn some skills and gain experience. They need to flexibly accept changes in the company and learn as efficiently as possible.  


  • Are they ready to get trained? Hiring a person who is ready to be trained is important because they need to understand that they are not hired for the job they were before. They are hired for a job that they need to learn. 


  • Are they willing to perform? There will be times when a trainee will need to do a job that they have no idea about and they might feel nervous about it. But, if they are willing to perform no matter what, that’s a good sign for the company. 


The Importance of On-the-Job Training 


As we already know that on-the-job training is about training employees for the job, so what’s the fuss about? Well, there are many benefits of on-the-job training, but the most important thing is that it will help your trainee to get a better insight into their job and a better understanding of the entire organization. A trainee who is trained on the job knows their job better because they have actually done it. They are familiar with their colleagues, the work environment, the customers they serve, and basically everything related to the work that they need to do daily. Therefore, they can easily bring fresh ideas, perspectives, and insights to the workplace. They increase company value by improving the workflow, increasing the productivity, and bringing new ideas to the table. 

Statistically, on-the-job training has proven to be a huge business booster and is incredibly attractive to prospective employees – especially those with plans to grow within the company.

Have a look at just how effective comprehensive training really is.

Training transformation - image of a man standing in front of a loading bar


Assign Clear Objectives and Goals 


Many companies often assign objectives and goals to their employees who have been working for quite sometime. But, what about trainees? How are you going to assign them objectives and goals? Well, there is no harm in assigning objectives and goals to your trainee just like with the senior employees within your organization. Being more careful with assigning objectives and goals to your trainee is the only major difference. You must make sure that the trainee understands these objectives and goals properly and can achieve them. You must make sure that the trainee does not get demotivated by these goals. In some cases, you need to be more careful with assigning objectives and goals to your trainees than your senior employees. 

Training in different departments - tiny wooden figures lined up with one in the foreground

Rotate Trainees to Different Departments 


One of the best ways of managing your trainee is by rotating them to different departments. There are various departments in most of the organizations and you can rotate your trainees to different departments to make them understand the workflow of the entire organization. You can also rotate them to departments where they have to work with people who have been working in the organization for several years. This is helpful for both you and your trainee because you will be able to see how they are performing on the job and how well they are adapting to their new work environment. They will also get a chance to work with senior employees who can help them a lot in understanding the organization and the work they do. This will not only help your trainee to get a better understanding of the organization but also help them perform better in the job they have been given. This will also give senior employees a chance to get to know the trainee and help them to perform better.


Provide Regular Feedback and Coaching 


Another vital thing you must supply to your trainee is feedback. You must ensure that you offer your trainee with regular feedback on their performance on the job. Regular feedback can assist your employee in better understanding their performance and gaining insight from their errors. This will also assist your trainee in quickly improving their performance. Coaching is another essential service you must give to your employee. You must ensure that you routinely coach your trainee on their performance on the job. Regular coaching will assist your employee in better understanding their mistakes, learning from them, and improving their performance more efficiently.  

Training conclusion - one lit light-blub floating above 4 unlit light-bulbs

Improve and connect your team with comprehensive training and performance assessment right at your fingertips. We provide cutting edge Cultural Assessments, 360 Leadership Review, Team Effectiveness Reports and so much more to help you and your team reach their potential.



Employee training is now an important aspect of any company’s HR strategy. Many organizations choose to invest in training current workers rather than employing new ones for numerous reasons: it is a less expensive choice, you can teach your staff depending on their skill set, and you can discover their areas of growth sooner rather than later. Consequently, there are various approaches to successfully manage your trainee to improve their performance when they return to work. 

At Mercury Hampton culture is the beginning and end of every success – building a winning environment from the ground up is essential to the growth and improvement of a business. We believe in comprehensive training and continued assessment to ensure that every individual in a team is uplifted and supported. Contact us today or follow us on LinkedIn to see firsthand just how we can help you build your dream workspace.

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